Trigger finger Explained

Trigger Finger is a form of overuse injury that affects one finger (1-5) with symptoms ranging from no pain disorder with occasional broken / jerking of the finger (s), to severe dysfunction and pain with continuous locking of the finger (s) in a bent position downward / forward to the palm of the hand.

The occurrence of these injuries usually result from overuse of the flexor muscles / tendons and the formation of adhesions or fibrotic nodule on the tendon. If left untreated, the adhesion / nodule becomes larger, thus creating a conflicting ratio between the size of the tendon and the size of the entrance of the tendon sheath. In most cases, if the adhesion / nodule is not treated, can continue to increase in size (Depending on activity / use of the affected finger) to the point where he still has the ability to get into and through the tendon sheath when flexing the finger, but became trapped and can not move back through the tendon sheath when trying to extend / straighten the finger, thus causing the finger to lock in a bent position to a forward / downward.

Trigger Finger Solution

Because Trigger Finger consists of adhesions, nodules, and scar tissue buildup in the tendon due to excessive strain, excessive, or direct trauma to a specific location on the tendon, it should be treated with stretching and strengthening exercises to break down the adhesion on the affected tendon. With the break up adhesions in the tendon is affected, reducing the size and slide through a pulley system in the normal way, there is no "catch" and lock down a bent position. (There is also a "thinning" of the tendon, which helps reduce the overall size of the tendons and nodules, making it possible to pass through the tendon sheath more easily.) Creating strength in the finger extensor tendons is very important as opposed to allowing the fingers to return to the extended position in a way that more appropriate. This is where muscle balancing comes into play. By creating equality of tendon length and strength on both sides of the finger joint, individuals can help prevent the onset of Trigger Finger and / or keep from happening again in the future.

Conservative therapy utilizing stretches and exercises have been very effective, providing long-term and permanent. For those who want to avoid surgery and for those where surgery is not effective in eliminating the condition, stretch and exercise therapy is the solution to prevent and rehabilitate both devastating symptoms associated with the trigger finger.

Exercise Bikes

There are two types of exercise bikes. Is stationary and upright bike resembles a typical road bike. Added stress is put on the joints because the pedals are positioned below the rider. Pedal bicycles lying outside in front of the rider so that pedaling is more natural and less stress on the hips and knees and seat resembles a chair.

There are other styles of bikes are also available. There are two actions that have a sport bike upright handlebars move or handle arm. Your arms and legs are used on this bike. This motor will provide you with the activity of aerobic and toning the upper body. Some variations can be found with resistance bikes as well.

Resistance on the bike straight tension can be adjusted manually. An exercise bike with flywheels have a cycling very much like regular cycling. The resistance of the air resistance bikes get it by pedaling against the airflow of the fan blade.

Of all resistance exercise bike, magnetic bike frictional resistance of the most sophisticated. Resistance bikes are the bikes most advanced resistance. Various levels of exercise greater than could have this bike.

Feedback mechanism suggests the following readouts: speed, time, distance, total calories and fat burned, program mode, the level of resistance, pulse, heart rate, and work out levels (RPM, watts, METs, which mpm, and mph / kph). Your needs and desires will determine who you choose to buy a bike. Your choice will also depend on the type of exercise bike you want.

You'll get a great cardio workout that focuses on the quadriceps. On the recumbent bike you sit in a reclining position. Your feet are out in front of you and your back supported by chair. Hamstrings and glutes are given exercises. A recumbent bicycle is much more easily in the lower back.

Upright bikes can come with moving handlebars back and forth like a rowing motion. This movement will work your arms, chest, abdomen and your back muscles. This bike will give you a great cardiovascular workout and calorie burning experience

You must be matched to the size of the bike. Exercise bikes can be easily adapted to almost any body type. Exercise bikes are used by people for various reasons. In the off season, cyclists often use them to maintain their fitness level. Because many people feel embarrassed about exercising in front of people that they use at home.

To promote healing and getting back the use of knee and hip joints, physical therapy programs also use the exercise bike. They are also used by some of the cardiac rehabilitation program to improve cardiovascular health and greater durability.

If you go to Wal-mart, Sears, or a sports store and if you look online you will be able to buy a bike. When buying them from a store it's much easier to get a bike that fits your budget your space, and your body size. You may not always get what you want when getting online.

Bicycles may be larger or smaller and without a precise specification of what you ordered. Ordering online has other issues, taking delivery of your order. In most cases, the delivery company will leave it at your door and you'll have to bring in and put it all together.

Unless you contract with someone to do the entire process including the setting, it is also right to buy at the store. Service contracts can be purchased in stores such as Sears, in case there is a problem. Regardless of your reasons for buying a sport bike it will only work if you use it.

As with any exercise program check with your doctor and make sure that you are healthy enough to exercise. Your endurance will improve if you start out slow. Be healthy, have fun, and safe.

Tips - Important In Careing For Babies

What You Should NOT do

1. Never shake the baby, it can cause damage to the brain.

2. Don't leave any small articles near the baby .

3. Sharp pointed articles like pen, pencil, ect should not be kept away from babies.

4. Avoid entry of water in to the ear while giving a bath.

5. Food should not be given forcibly when the baby is crying or coughing continuously.

6. Do Not overfeed the baby.

7. Articles like mosquito repellents, moth balls,ink,gum,medicines,ect should be kept away.

8. Avoid tight clothing.

9. Should not be placed near the edge of the bed.

10. Should not give the baby to strangers and avoid close contact with others.

11. All electrical instruments should be kept away, and bed should not be arranged near electrical sockets and wires.

12. Kitchen is a dangerous place for children. Don't leave them alone in the kitchen.

13. Water level in the bath tub should be minimum and don't go for any other works(to attent phone call or calling bell ect) when the baby is in the tub.

14. Avoid smoking inside the house.

15. Should not allow pet animals to be in very close contact with the baby.(anti rabies injections should be given to pets and cut their nails properly)

16. When the child starts walking should not be kept alone on the upstairs and should not allow them to climb the steps.

17. Strong light should be avoided in the room.

18. When you are travelling don't give the food articles given by co passengers.

19. Baby should not be allowed to crawl on the soil.

20. If you are sick, or someone else is sick, keep away from the baby.

21. Dont take the baby to hospital wards, crowded market places, and polluted dusty areas.

22. Table lamps should not be kept near the kids, this will attract insects at night and cause problems.

23. Other medicine should not be given to the children.

24. Medicine which has passed the expiery date should not be used.

Breast Enhancement Surgery

Breast Enhancement Surgery

Breast enlargement surgery, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), was the fourth most popular invasive surgical procedure among cosmetic plastic surgeries performed in 2000. In a press release dated July 12, 2001, the ASPS says that breast augmentation was performed on 212,500 women last year.

Meanwhile, millions of women have been subjected to the ill effects of these modern day vanity contraptions that were bought in good faith.


Silicone gel implants were banned in 1992 by FDA. 

If you have (or had) a ruptured silicone breast implant, you will be denied Health Insurance Coverage. 

Saline-filled implants tend to have a higher rate of leaking and deflation than silicone gel implants, which means more frequent surgery to replace them. 

In a study published in the Lancet medical journal, Dr Lori Brown of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) says: "There is emerging consensus that both the incidence and prevalence of breast-implant rupture are much higher than previously suspected." 

21% overall increase in cancers for women with implants, compared to women of the same age in the general population. 

Implant patients were three times as likely to die from lung cancer, emphysema and pneumonia as other plastic surgery patients.The study is based on medical records and death certificates of almost 8,000 women with breast implants, including silicone gel implants and saline implants, and more than 2,000 other plastic surgery patients. ( National Cancer Institute (NCI), Boston University, Abt Associates, and the Food and Drug Administration, with Dr. Louise Brinton from NCI as lead author. ) 

For more information visit:

How To Control " Urinary Incontinence "

There are a lot of helpful measures that you can take in order to prevent urinary incontinence. Maintaining adequate hydration is important to controlling incontinence. If you drink approximately two liters of water everyday you can reduce the chances of having a urinary tract infection. Drinking other fluids can also be helpful as long as hydration is maintained. You should avoid drinking alcohol, soft drinks, coffee and tea as these are diuretics and can encourage incontinence. 

Incontinence may accompany constipation. You can prevent constipation by taking in adequate fluids and by eating a high fiber diet. The high fiber diet helps your system to be cleansed, including your digestion. This will help prevent constipation. Regular exercise is helpful and it keeps your body in good condition. 

It is important to watch your weight. Obesity can increase the pressure in your abdomen and in turn on your bladder. Keeping a normal body weight by exercising regularly and eating a well-balanced diet will reduce the chances of incontinence. 

You must practice bladder training. You can do this by emptying your bladder frequently at 2-3 hour intervals. This will improve your control so that you will not have that uncomfortable feeling. Also try exercises when you pee by holding the urine stream for a count of three, urinating for the count of three and then holding again.

Your clothes must be comfortable as well. Wearing simple clothing like trousers that are stretchable or have an elastic waist band will help. Sometimes, the clothes you wear contribute to incontinence. So your choice of clothes must be perfect and appropriate.

Do regular pelvic floor exercises so that your muscle power is strengthened and you will be able to restore voiding control. If you exercise your pelvic muscle group regularly, incontinence may be controlled. 

Improve your home's environment in order to ensure an easy access to the toilet. You can also use a commode inside the bedroom if necessary. 

Incontinence is very common in older men and women. It's a condition that affects women more than men. Controlling the causes of incontinence will reduce the discomfort in your daily life. Drugs and surgery can help treat the condition and people with incontinence can also take some vital steps on their own.

If caffeine intake is reduced, incontinence can be controlled. 

Caffeine stimulates and irritates the bladder and it can cause urgent and frequent urination and can also increase the production of urine. Those individuals who drink more than two caffeinated drinks a day should reduce their intake in order to avoid symptoms of withdrawal such as sleepiness and headache.

Remember not to cut your intake of water or other liquids thinking that the urge to urinate will be lessened. This might cause dehydration and may cause future illnesses. The urine may become concentrated which can result in bladder infections, foul-smelling urine, bladder urgency, and more. If you practice this, remember that it will not help. Control and prevent the signs of incontinence so that you have a better life. 

Can Vitamin D really help prevent you from developing cancer?

Once only associated with strong bones and teeth, new scientific research is finding that Vitamin D can cut your risk of developing common cancers by as much as 50%.

Researchers in the U.S. have found that the "natural" form of Vitamin D, D3 or cholecalciferol, can dramatically cut our chances of getting breast, ovarian, colon, and prostate cancers by up to 50%.

What form of Vitamin D is Best?

Remember that your body has the ability to manufacture its own Vitamin D through direct exposure to sunlight. This form of Vitamin D is called Vitamin D3 or cholecalciferol. This of course is the best form of the vitamin.

The synthetic form is Vitamin D2 or ergocalciferol. This is what is used to fortify milk for instance. It is estimated that it takes twice as much D2 to get the same benefit as Vitamin D3.

Vitamin D3 can also be found in oily fish such as salmon (3 ounces = 530 IU), sardines (3 ounces = 231 IU), and Mackerel (3 ounces = 214 IU).

Unfortunately not all of us can get the required amount of sunlight necessary to produce enough Vitamin D3.

Some of us have fair skin and need to use sunscreen when we venture outdoors. Some of us have dark skin and do not produce as much Vitamin D3 due to our skin pigment.

And of course, the cold parts of the year can keep most of us indoors or bundled up when we do head outside.

And also unless you eat lots of oily fish, you are not going to get your 1000 IU there either.
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